FITASC Practice
FITASC Sporting is an international form of sporting target shooting and stands for “Federation Internationale de Tirs aux Armes Sportives de Chasse” but normally referred to as FITASC in short.
On this practice layout the rules of FITASC do not apply, however if you wanted to shoot a round in accordance with the rules, you would normally shoot 25 targets as per the menu boards on the layout. Strictly speaking, FITASC is shot gun down (heal of stock must be below a horizontal line, 25 cm down from top of shoulder) and the gun must not be moved before the target is visible. However, if you’re not practising to shoot a competition, it’s up to you how you shoot.
The layout is “old” system FITASC, comprising of five or sometimes six traps, with three different shooting positions marked by hoops on the ground. Shooting from a hoop gives you greater movement, so gun handling/safety, which is always important, is of even higher priority. Please note, if you have not shot this discipline before, but would like to, please let us know when you book in.